Monday, May 4, 2020

My Mom, Jayne Berrier, talks about her mom's boyfriends and more (wow!)

Here is the first of what I intend to be a series of videos of my mom talking about her life.

This started extemporaneously when she started talking about how I got good hair DNA, that my her mom's hair went white like mine has, and that she was a very good looking women with a lot of "admirers."

This line of discussion started to get juicy, so I whipped out the camera phone and...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Captain Zorikh Social Distance Music Break #3: 3 Chord Monte Returns!

Here is the correct video of last week's "Socially Distant Music Break," a collection of cover tunes by the Three Chord Monte, with one original song. Can you figure out which one it is?
This week's music break will be on my Facebook home page on Wednesday from 3:00 - 3:30 PM.

Captain Zorikh Social Distance Music Break #3: 3 Chord Monte Returns!

Here is last week's live "Socially Distant Music Break," a half-hour of covers of great rockabilly and early rock & roll!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Captain Zorikh Social Distance Music Break #2: 3 Chord Monte

Here is last week's "Socially Distant Music Break," in which I do a bunch of songs I (mostly) wrote myself!

Post in the comments which songs you like best!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Captain Zorikh Social Distance Music Break #1 Death Star Repairman

So I have decided to join with the ranks of folks like John LEgend and Willie Nelson and play live music over the internet to help make a few minutes of folks' Covid-19 quarantine more tolerable.

Here is the first of them, done as the "Death Star Repairman." Enjoy!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

182 Graham: Yet Another Unauthorized Entry

Here is the third of the four unauthorized entries building management has committed into my room without my notification, knowledge, or permission.
We are still waiting for that "plan" from building management to make the place legal to let us move back in.
The next court date is March 19, 2020.